The End of Sickness, Metabolic Aging, Frailty, Senility and Death

EXPONENTIAL LONGEVITY - Applying Big Solutions Today

The Big Problem Today

Metabolic diseases kill the majority of humanity, continually destroying our cells, tissues and organs.

Up until now, these metabolic diseases were accepted and ignored until we had full blown cardiovascular disease, cancer, infections, frailty and senility.

EXPONENTIAL LONGEVITY is about to change this deadly practice.

Unique Healthcare Professionals at the Forefront of Medicine 2.0

EXPONENTIAL LONGEVITY is designing healthcare 2.0 platforms for the consumer and healthcare professionals. Our services will give you the ability to be healthier than your age and be at the forefront of the new longevity paradigms, metabolic and inflammation monitoring and correcting, genome and microbiomes analysis, as well as enhancement and regenerative therapies as they are being released.

Each individual will have the ability to use their own diagnostics and augmented analysis in their own personal health records and if need be, physician assistance to become healthier than the most extreme athlete and able to reach record-breaking longevity with superior physical and mental capabilities.

EXPONENTIAL LONGEVITY is currently designing its IP and core team requirements.

Targeting longevity, vitality, intelligence, and human enhancements with the use of cloud computing, consumer diagnostics, replacement therapies, comparative genomics and enhancement planning using unique self-preservation specialists at the forefront of lifespan 2.0

Applying Big Solutions Today

Through the success of hundreds of clinical trials, FDA approved artificial intelligence platforms and diagnostic devices, we can reduce our dependence on the antiquated, expensive and late stage healthcare system. Today new biologic treatments for our metabolism, regenerative cellular replacements and cellular enhancements have become a reality. Hundreds of these new technologies are coming out over the next several years and the ones with the biggest impact have already started to become available.

The end of sickness, metabolic aging, frailty, senility and replacing death with life continuums*

Unfortunately today these new medical capabilities are only applied to acute care and chronic care patients. Meanwhile we all carry around pounds of metabolic buildup, altered nucleotides affecting our genes, as well as organs and limbs that contain ischemic, necrotic, senescent and toxic cells and tissues that are constantly deteriorating, yet we choose to ignore them.
EXPONENTIAL LONGEVITY is here to stop this tragic hemoclysm and implement the solutions to the two most significant of humanities grand challenges:

1. The End of Sickness, Metabolic Aging, Frailty, Senility and Replacing Death with Life Continuums*
2. The Biological and Synthetic Enhancement of Humanity* 

*Exponentially Advanced Preventive, Regression and Replacement Therapies (that we have already started to use).

Longevity Escape Velocity occurs when technology advances to the point that we will have the personalized replacement therapies to enhance ourselves at the cellular level perpetually preventing our death from happening while enhancing our physiology far beyond our original biology. This gives us the ability to improve our physiology, interface our intelligence with computing in the cloud and constantly upgrade ourselves with exponentially accelerating technologies giving us access to use new senses, physical capabilities, clear and organized memory, and the various distributed intelligence capabilities throughout the world. Many are already available or are in clinical trials while others are still in the labs.

For more Information

To learn more about EXPONENTIAL LONGEVITY’s products and services or partnering with us, please contact us.

The Goals and Services of EXPONENTIAL LONGEVITY

Catch infections, cancer, cardiovascular, and genetic diseases before or at their inception. Before there is a symptom, before your yearly checkup, prevent sickness before it can occur, right in the comfort of your home.

Over 20 million people die from cardiovascular diseases every year. EXPONENTIAL LONGEVITY will give you the ability to slow down metabolic build up and remove existing metabolic plaque buildup. Radically reducing your chances of cardiovascular disease which is the number one killer of humanity. EXPONENTIAL LONGEVITY will initiate new standards for cardiovascular improvement.

Simultaneously EXPONENTIAL LONGEVITY will also give you the new abilities of:

  • Preventive genome and microbiome analysis
  • Replace damaged, dead and missing cells inside us.
  • Quiet inflammatory cell signaling and take advantage of the fire hose of interference medications being released.
  • Enhance your genes, cells, organs, functionality, and memory.
  • Monitor your efforts to improve yourself at the molecular, cellular and organ function levels in real time. Find out what works and want does not work as the minutes, hours, days and weeks go by, not years.
  • Your diagnostics will occur without notice and store your electronic records in the cloud. Medical and functional information will be collected via smart surfaces, furniture, clothes, medical tricorders, patches, embedded microelectromechanical devices, and ingestibles.
  • Occasionally a drop of saliva, urine or blood may be analyzed to determine your progress. Not your sickness, your progress. This is medicine that improves our pseudo healthy life into a highly intelligent, disease resistant, regenerative and enhanced life.
  • These tools will be used for augmenting your acute care, chronic care and wellness care but these tools are most effective when they are used to remove problems before or at their inception as well as enhance memory, intelligence, and superior physiological capabilities that you were not born with.

New Paradigms in Human Enhancements
and Embedded Sensors with AI Monitoring

The cross fertilization of new technologies now allows us to bring millions into Longevity Escape Velocity to go beyond humanity’s heartbreaking condemned crowd existence of disease, frailty, senility and death.

The recent quality, speed and spread of intelligence now gives even the most resistant authorities the understanding and motivation for the need to act now.

Some of EXPONENTIAL LONGEVITY’s initial solutions will be based on stopping cardiovascular diseases at the cellular level. Control diabetes and advanced glycation end-products, minimize inflammation, and diagnose and prevent diseases with genome and microbiome diagnostics and applications. Coagulation, blood pressure, replacing heart cells, angiogenesis and other replacement and enhancement products strategies and standards are being created as you read this.

Using our dashboard of your biometrics from your own diagnostic monitoring tools, you will see how your inflammation, metabolism, diet, lifestyle, and your 2.0 self-design plans are changing you in real-time. Your dashboard will have a built-in artificial intelligence analysis available for analyzing your complex physiologic states when you want it.

It Is Not Enough to Live Healthy or Live Long

EXPONENTIAL LONGEVITY has been tracking the accelerating exponential growth of intelligence and technology for the last 12 years. This detailed study of bio, nano, genetic, IT, and intelligence software, wetware and hardware give us the insight to design health and lifespan 2.0. This is in contrast to the traditional corporate longevity supplement and treatment company or research center offering the promise of a healthy life without the available 24/7 molecular and cellular real-time data to back it. We are creating the 2.0 lifespan platform to bring about the end of disease and death and allowing as many people as possible to reach longevity escape velocity, to usher in the massively transformative purpose of radical intelligence, human enhancements and exponential longevity.